Friday, August 27, 2010

movie magic!

I am creating a blog as part of a project for my ENG1131 class. The assignment will consist of approximately 10 posts. The objective of this course is to learn how to "write through media," or communicate using other kinds of writing, audio/visual ones, i.e. photographs, videos, movies, blogs :), etc. You could say it's like a modern English class, as one of my classmates described it. One of the topics that we will be discussing in class is film analysis. I previously took an introductory film analysis class, so with this next class, I am hoping that I can elaborate some of my knowledge on film analysis and criticism. The interesting part of this assignment, if it should be called such (since it's going to be fun :) is that I will be watching various movies and then blogging about them.

By the way, my name is Laura and I am specifically interested in two things: movies and more movies! If I had to pick a film genre, I’d have to go with comedy, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a nice chick flick, or the thrill of suspense/horror movies. What I think is awesome about movies is that you get to live somebody else’s life for a couple of hours. You feel their pain, their joy, their confusion, and despair…you fall passionately in love or desire to jump through the screen (like the little girl from “The Ring”) and kill the bad guy before he kills the hot protagonist. I think it’s awesome that people in movies spend days without eating, showering or going to the bathroom, yet they are always capable of managing any challenge which they encounter.                                                        

Creepy, right? Doesn't it make you wanna run away from "it"? I chose this image to prove to you that there is such thing as a movie/viewer relationship, in a sense that him/her can live through the characters. If a still image can have such an impact on our perceptions of reality, imagine what an incredible effect can moving images, like that in a film, can produce within the viewer (you!).

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